Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to Help You Feel Confident and Informed on Your Birth Journey
1What is the best time to hire a doula?
The ideal time to hire a doula is between 12-20 weeks of pregnancy because early engagement allows for a more comprehensive and supportive journey to motherhood. It also provides ample time to develop a strong relationship, learn about pain management techniques, birthing positions, and coping strategies, and create a personalized birth plan
Additionally, doulas often limit the number of clients they can support each month to provide personalized attention. By hiring a doula early, parents increase their chances of securing the doula of their choice before their availability fills up..
2What happens if I go into labor at the same time as another mother and you are unable to attend my birth?
I always work with a back up in the event I cannot make it to your birth.
3What happens if it ends in cesarean?
I cannot control how your body will react while in labor. My job is to educate you to help make informed decisions about your care, give physical support through various comfort measures, and provide emotional support through encouragement and empowerment. However, I do understand that you will need extra support following a cesarean. I will bring a healing soup for you and your partner for dinner to help ease the transition coming home.
4How do you prefer payment?
Doula services require a $300 retainer to hold the space around the time of your due date. The remainder will be due by 36 weeks. If it is easier to pay in installments, that can be worked out.
As for the meal delivery, payment is due up front when ordering. If you are ordering multiple weeks, each week can be paid at the start of the week.
5At what point do you join us while in labor?
During early labor, rest is essential. While I am available by phone, I try to wait until the contractions become uncomfortable and you need help managing them.For most first time moms, labor can be many hours and while I will come as soon as you need the support, it is best to try to manage the early stages with your partner. You will both be very tired and you will need me to be alert and effective when you are not, therefore, having me come further into labor is usually best.